Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dear Dawn Olsen at Glosslip

Dear Dawn;

You recently posted a comment on my previous post regarding your web site's article regarding Britney Spears' menstrual cycle and your ambitious charting thereof. In that delightful and exceedingly polite email (included), you intimated that you care about Britney Spears and that I am a device for remove small particles from hard to reach places. I assure you, I am not such a device. And I assure you, you don't care about Britney Spears.

GlossLip is a collection of articles about celebrities and near celebrities. The subject of any one of your articles will surely match one of Google's top-ten search phrases, a tactic sorely proven to generate hits and links over time and move your blog, as I'm certain you hope, higher into the Googlespheric strata and closer to right hand of God, the number one result, the first thing people see when they type in Amy Winehouse or Britney Spears--the holy grail of the internet.

Imagine for a minute being Britney Spears, existing on the tip of the tongue for pretty much 70% of the western world, a person more easily identified than Jesus or Angelina Jolie. She doesn't have a life; she exist as an object of pursuit by everyone, even those people closest too her. She can't blink without having it analyzed for frequency and arcane meanings.

Then imagine all the people out there who beg off her name by sprinkling it all over their blog like some kind of memetic censer, people who will not only analyze her eyelashes but take hi-def video of them and post 'em frame by frame. These are people desperate to capitalize on her breadcrumbs, its the paparazzi times ten million. Then find out that one of them has the audacity to chart her cycle and claim that it's because they care. No wonder she wigs out. It's worse than being pope.

I'm certainly not defending her, I think she's a half-retarded monomaniac sloven onanist and should be relieved of her duties. However, I'd take her over people like you any day of the week. She's not riding on anybody else's coattails and last time I accidentally paid attention to her, she was dealing with her own problems, not pretending to care about someone else's--or profiting from them.

Your blog is and all blogs like GlossLip are a blight, a cancer, a cold sore on the pouty lips of the world's attention span and you ought to stop, turn off your laptop, and take a walk outside.

With love;

The device for removing small objects from hard to reach places.

P.S. ( I chart my wife and my daughter's invading orc hordes so they don't run out of supplies because I am the rigorously supportive homemaker for two highly ambitious and successful women, a fact that is generously distributed throughout my blog. Furthermore, my audience--vast and literate--is about 90 percent women, a fact easily gleaned from reading even one string of comments on even one post. As you advised, a little research goes a long way.)
P.P.S. (Dude.)

(letter from Ms. Olsen)
Hey buddy, how about you read our entire body of work on Britney for a better representation of who we are.

A little research goes a long way DUDE.

What, do you think only you are allowed to talk about Britney? You aren't even a woman, WTF do you know about periods and how they affect the mind, let alone the affect of having two children in such a short period of time.

We care about her and want her to get help, so don't be such a presumptuous prick.

Thanks and have a nice day.

Dawn Olsen


  1. Oooh I love this - "a cold sore on the pouty lips of the world's attention span" !!

  2. I want to leave a comment in support, but you said everything so eloquently and with so many syllables. I hope poor gloss lip understood what you were saying in response.

  3. Dear Presumptious Prick:

    I find myself in something of a triumvirate of what is worse here. The notion that you are writing about Britney Spears in the first place, the fact that someone out there in the Britneyverse is monitoring what you (or anyone for that matter) says about her, and the utter pitifulness that I have nothing better to do at the moment than to comment on both of the above.

    I took a look at, and while I suppose I will give them a little credit for bad-mouthing Scientology, all in all it makes look like Edward R. Murrow.

    Britney Spears is nothing more than a pop culture pinanta. She was groomed for stardom by the Disney organization, and when she began to look more like a woman than a little girl, she was served up on an MTV platter, dressed in a Catholic schoolgirl uniform.

    Am I the only one who thinks the wardrobe choice in that case was not aimed at her 12 year-old female fan base?

    I have no point of reference to what she may or not be going through, but if you want to whip out the ole time machine I would gladly transport myself back to age 13 and be a millionaire 5 times over and report back to you on it.

    I can muster a little sympathy for her as a fellow human, but other than that, this is a row she has been hoeing for years, not something she was shoved into against her will.

    Like every other crash and burn celebrity wreck that is out there, I'm sure there is some degree of talent underneath it all.

    I would love to have someone take Michael Jackson into a studio at gunpoint, sit him down at a piano, and make him play an albums worth of stuff. It would likely be the best work he has done in years.

    These celebrities all have one thing in common, they have the dumb luck of being human at the same time a good chunk of the world is holding them up as ideals.

    Jackson is a kiddy diddler, Spears is a trailer-park twit with bad implants and career owing everything to a guy who is really good with ProTools.

    With that said, I still find it incredulous that there remains this cadre of mouth-breathing,self-important morons telling us how the truly "care about Brit." Please tell me they are talking about Brit Humes?

    If the day ever comes where I ask you to read my "body of work" about Britney Spears, please kill me for the good of the gene pool.

    I have no idea how Lisa Olsen of came across your blog, but a simple anagram of her name might reveal her motivation.

    No New Lads


  4. Do I need to change my name?

  5. I should make it a point NOT to eat toast when I wander my way in here. It's gonna take a lot of canned air to get those butter crumbs out of the keys.

    I keep a little form letter on my weblog just for responding to lovely people like the representative for Flosslip whatever. However, I think your custom created epistle was quite to the purpose.

  6. Just...hilarious...

  7. thata nagram will not work, my very long-winded friend. Her name was Dawn Olsen. Work on that. I have other things to do.

  8. The no new lads anagram totally works:

    D A W N O L S E N

    N O N EW L A D S

    N O N E W L A D S

    Now, tell me what this anagram is for:


    (hint: "yes, barren spit.")

  9. I sincerely doubt that anyone from a website with a name like would be inerested in Britney's welfare.

    Dude. WTF.

  10. BRILLIANT rebuttal. I was getting all worked up (on your behalf) and I then realized you'd posted a response. Seriously, your readership DO seem to be a majority of thinking, literate females who love your observations on the family, female ways (I've found myself saying, 'too true!' on MANY an occasion while reading your work. And yes, for the record, DAWN, anyone that does suggest that ANYONE reference their "body of work" about BS (pun fully intended) makes me want to gag.

    Keep up the excellent work, Death by Children Daddy-O.

    Major kudos to your very fine response to someone who had the audacity (albeit right) to criticize your own personal blog when hers is a gross, boring rip off of another hugely popular site of the same nature.

    I could go on and on, Chris, but I won't. I have to stop now...or I'll never stop.

  11. Wow. I've been reading your blog and successfully failing to let you *know* I read your blog through a judicious lack of commenting for a long time - and this entry made me break the radio silence. That bitch is a dollop of extra creamy crazy sauce on top of What The Fuck Ice Cream.

    And you are still awesome.

  12. whatever! dear dawn.

    BITE ME!

  13. Dawn sounds like she needs a date, maybe even with a dude.... :P

  14. That was excellent, I love it. Great job.

