Friday, May 25, 2012

Quickie: Would the Stumble Gods lay it On me, Please?!

In my ceaseless, arduous journey to blog stardom, to becoming Dooced--maybe even by Dooce--to getting the kind of Google numbers Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears get, I keep reading about Digg and Stumble Upon. I honestly don't understand Digg or Technocrati though I have accounts with both. I'm monkey level there. But I use Stumble All the time. I pin little Stumble reminders onto my posts and I really honestly think I deserve some attention there. So, Stumble Gods, if you don't mind, could you send ten or twelve thousand people my way?


  1. Stumble? What is that? (Clueless.)

  2. I hear your pain. And, seeing the comment left before me, I suspect you have hit upon the issue that plagues all us wannabe doocers.

    I too crave blog hits.

    But the good news for you is, I found you. I found you because you were linked to someone else's blog. So, perhaps the gods are smiling upon you.

  3. I got here via link from WaiterRant. LOVE IT. You had me in tears

  4. They will come....don't worry, just give it a bit of time. I clicked on your site after seeing the link on and now I'm HOOKED. So hooked that I am bummed when I visit and there aren't any new posts. You are hilarious.
    - Lara

  5. I stumbled your Pulaski Day post. Feel free to return the favor anytime!

  6. I found you through as well. I come back now and then to your site to see what else you've written. You're talented, you'll get there. Just don't knock the photographers too much please : D I am one.

  7. Have a look at YouMob for some insights into a tool that may help you build up traffic as well as user community around your blog. In fact, when I read your post, it inspired a blog entry of my own where I reference you here.

    We're just getting started, but more is coming soon. Take a look. By the way, I found you as a result of your YouMob badge.

  8. I use Stumble Upon too. It's pretty good. MyBlogLog was ok but is being taken over by splogs now and Yahoo bought it, co-incidence?

  9. Blogrolls will bring you traffic. It takes a couple of months for it to kick in but I have about 20 hits a day and I don't really promote my blog. I just keep track of hits so I feel someone is actually listening to my useless blabbering.
