It's Sunday. I am couch-ridden from some kind of teen delivered horror-cold that's making me all woggly and irritable. [My Attorney] is similarly afflicted and like all decent adults, when sick, we turn to the age old comfort of television.
Only, I turn to awesome television like Burn Notice and Game of Thrones and she turns to psychotic worse-than-a-grade-school-play British television in the form of Dr. Who.
From 1954.
And not just the horribly lit, badly acted, ridiculously written, STOOOPID black & white schlock available on the 985 DVDs she'd pulled down off of eBay. No, she's watching an episode for which there is no video available. So we're looking at a still photograph from the original and listening to the scene chewing, harrumphing of long dead British ACTors.
We are LISTENING to Dr. Who.