Friday, May 22, 2009


I was talking to my dentist today, the best Dentist in Chicago (this is not hyperbole), and he mentioned that one of the things that he really likes about the blog is all the comments. He really likes reading the comments. Some other people have said the same thing.

I want to take a moment to thank everyone for their input. People like Sween, Miss Celliana, Oh The Joys, Drama, The Cleaning Lady, Miss Bliss, Jadegirl, Blogdog, everyone else but especially Anonymous because you're, well, anonymous and it kind of weirds me out that you compliment me and I don't know who you are.

I pray to god you're an editor at a filthy rich publishing house and you're considering giving me a 1.5 million dollar upfront deal but I am resigned to the more likely reality that you're making license plates in a windowless facility in Tampa where you were incarcerated for repeatedly emailing the President the Hurley numbers from Lost. Nice one.

In any case, you guys all rock and I am very VERY grateful for the way you're going to email a link to this blog to everyone you know and everyone you ever met and everyone in those address heavy emails about lost children and angels because you know how vital and important it is to the health of the very planet that everyone alive read my posts about my daughter's boobs.


  1. You just had to get your daughter's boobs in there didn't you?

    There is only ONE complaint I have about your blog... just one. You don't post ENOUGH!!

    Dude, you be funny.. you be very funny and you need to share yourself more. A lot more.

    So, does this dentist like charity? HA! I desperately need a dentist but am terrified.... TERRIFIED! Oh and no dental insurance. Shit.

  2. best dentist in chicago? if you include the burbs I'd have to go with Dr. Marc Mercer - is he still in Romeoville? To this day I get compliemnts from other dentists on his work in my mouth!!!

  3. all i got to say is...i know "cleaning lady" and she is a hottie!
