othing makes a parent feel more like a degenerate knuckle-sucking bat-shit crazy shut-in than finding lice on their kid's head.
When I was a child progeny, I lived in rural Alabama. Took the bus to school. I lived in a decent part of the county, good people, lots of churches, good soil. But there were pockets of insanity that can only happen when people are deeply isolated from public transportation and cable. The trailer kids, for instance.
My bus would stop at the trailer kids' place which was a dirt white single-wide set about a football field back off the main highway at the end of a weed choked puddle pocked red dirt driveway. It was never quite level and the door was gone. In the two years I rode the bus to school, that trailer never had a door. The kids would be standing at the side of the highway in perfectly starched shirts, perfectly pressed pants, lunchboxes in hand, their faces poking out through a pale circle of clean. It was incongruous and weird and to this day the open door of that trailer is like the drooling maul of Hell in my head.
When I found a fully adult louse crawling through my son's head my whole house morphed into that crooked doorless tornado target. I was disgusted. I wanted to move.
You read the lice notices from school and you secretly smirk and think, God which aborigines' kids are these? And wallow in the self satisfied luxury of knowing it ain't yours. Until it is.
I'd hunted for lice before. I'd held a promising dandruff flake under the magnifying glass with my wife leaning over my shoulder, laptop open to a googled image of a bug zoomed to Cthulian proportion. But we'd never found one. We just spent a lot of time tsking at the parents of children without lice black-tie ball and fund raiser, champagne glass to our lips, asking in a nervous whisper, You think it was the Greenburg's kids?
But no. It was my kids wearing a lice wig. And I had to make the call to the school and I realized that even if every other parent in the school didn't get a note saying BEWARE THE FAMILY G FOR THEY ARE BESOT WITH VERMIN, the frikkin receptionist knows. Might as well wear a sandwich board.
So I buy enough chemicals to qualify as a superfund site, and dunk Roon's head into a bucket of foul smelling gunk and carefully pull the NIT COMB through his hair and inspect it under the glass after every pull. My wife, who used to be an industrial hygienist has gone into hazmat mode. She's full-on FEMA. She announces we have to wash all the sheets and blankets.
All. Of. Them.
Everyone takes their special bath and does the monkey grooming daisy chain and we stay up till 3 am washing bed linens until we're reasonably certain the lice are dead. We wait three days and do it again because the eggs you missed might've hatched. We refuse all phone calls and don't go anywhere. We might as well be quarantined with a great big crimson L stitched on our chests.
So I send the kid to school with a note explaining our multifaceted assault on the infestation. They call me to take him home. He still has lice.
I stick him under a lamp and get the glass and there, behind his ear--eggs. Worse as I'm looking at the eggs, an adult louse wiggles out from behind a hair. Let me tell you, these things are not hard to see. It was like a rhinoceros. I actually smacked it and Roon yelped. So we do another day of treatment. I send him to school. They send him back.
I buy another truckload of chemicals. I spray the mattresses, the couch, the love seat, wash ALL of his clothes, spray his drawers, spray the dog, throw away his baseball hats, tooks, combs. I throw away all our brushes, buy more at the dollar store, get another bottle of VILE FOUL LICE KILLING PASTE and slather all our heads like I'm laying brick. Me and Darth Mom seriously consider shaving our heads and having the house fumigated. Another mom happens to call us to see if Roon has chicken pox because if he does, she wants her kids to get it and get the whole chicken pox thing over with and I admit the dark truth. She cracks up: Yeah, us too. She says her kids had it but they killed 'em with mayonnaise.
Mayonnaise. Hellman's to be precise because when you bring out the Hellmans, you bring out the best. We put a chair in the middle of the kitchen and got some shower caps and to prove it wasn't entirely bizarre, I went first and let the kids dope my head an inch deep. I smelled like a hoagie for an hour but I have to say, after shampooing it something like 30 times, my hair felt luxuriously thick and manageable.
So we send the kid to school the nest day and he sticks. We do the sandwich head trick three days later much to everyone's hilarity, and we've been lice free ever since.
Oh I feel your pain! Went thru that nightmare with my girls, the first time my youngest was 2 so i buzzed her hair off, (have some cute pics of that lol) yes good ol Mayo beats out the nasty lice shampoo anytime and you have the plus of nice hair! HAng in there and hope they don't come back. BTW did you tie all stuffed toys ect up in a plastic bag for 2 weekes?
ReplyDeleteTea tree oil shampoo, dude. Natures Gate makes a good one, and it will repel lice. We had a huge outbreak at the kids' school years ago, and I can't tell you how many hours I spent nit-picking (and yes, you have to get all those nits off too, or they will come back. Gads!) But just use the shampoo and they should stay lice free.
ReplyDeleteGood luck! Love your site, by the way.
Ok, someone keeps coming to my blog after searching "his freckles blog gay", so I decided to do the exact same search to see if I could figure out what in the world that crazy fool was looking for.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is no help, but that's probably fine by you. I'm still perplexed!
Also, lice. Ugh.
I laughed so hard reading this! The first time my son had lice, yes, the FIRST time, they were Mexican lice. I was thus able to blame unsantitary Mexican bus headrests. This last time was a living hell. The little one got them and we went through the whole chemical washing everything in the house deal, and then ended up pretty much shaving his head.
ReplyDeleteA month later, my older son calls me at work to tell me that a HANDFUL of giant bugs fell out of his hair in the shower. He was at his grandma's, and she didn't believe me when I said they must be lice. She actually went to the pharmacy with some of them in a jar(and yes, I live in a very small town) and asked what they were. We did the chemical thing again, and I combed the nits out of his hair afterwards. Something ran from me while I was doing it. It was weird.
We finally killed them all by using a hot blow dryer everyday. I have always been spared, and I know that is the reason.
I had to buy a new washing machine. The old one just freaked out on all the extra laundry. Also, I think we got lice because we live in Texas.
We also got ringworm from the cat a month prior, so don't feel bad.
My house had a letter sent home about lice in my son's classroom and after reading BRILLIANT posts about one fabulous woman's battle, of course I flipped the F*** out! Luckily, no lice..hear me? NO LIIIIIICE! After weeks of checking, but if you want to read some wonderful suburban mama writing about the toils, the headaches and the frenzy..read
ReplyDeletethe Lice section at http://www.suburbanbliss.net/suburbanbliss/lice_fest_2004/index.html
Cut and paste that bad boy. It will share the shit out of you! But, Melissa- the Mom - is fantastic............ maybe not as fantastic as G. but, you know.
Happily lice free mama (for now!)
A. in California
Oops...It won't SHARE the shit out of you it will SCARE!!!! the shit out of you. My bad. I'm new to commenting.
ReplyDeleteAngela from CA
we had the lice invasion several times. i went to a relatively poor school (due to the area of town) and it was not very clean. after the first time i had lice, my mom kept the nit comb and just used the dog shampoo. the same stuff as nix, and washes out easier than mayo! :)
ReplyDeleteThis post is making my head itch.
ReplyDeleteNever had lice, but we did have a flea infestation when I was a kid. My sister looked like she had chicken pox - the fleas really took to her. We had to wash everything - clothes, blankets, stuffed animals - and then we had to bag everything. Or wait, it was the other way around. Regardless, it was a pain in the ass and embarrassing to boot.
ReplyDeleteI thank God this is the one thing we haven't had to deal with...yet.
ReplyDeleteHowever one family I know used Vodka (the cheap rotgut kind) to comb thru the kids hair...and it worked !
The Mayo is probably MUCH better for your hair.
My head itches now.
ReplyDeleteBut I am laughing, too.
As a child I got lice several times, because I had super long super thick hair. My mom put me through the mayo ordeal, but she made me sleep in it. To get it out of my hair, she washed my head with dish soap (dawn to be exact). The mayo didn't work so my mom decided to pour rubbing alcohol on my head. She did this in a bathroom with no windows and no fan for ventilation. Obviously, it didn't turn out well. After we got home from the hospital, my lovely mother decided to make me sleep with VASELINE in my hair. That was what finally worked. I don't know if I could have survived any more of those "treatments".
ReplyDeletedo NOT use the chemicals - there is a website out there about a mom who actually killed her son with those chemicals. Easiest: Tea tree oil drops in some olive oil (or mayo I guess), leave it on the head for an hour or so then shampoo and comb out. Did this on my daughter and to this day she still sometimes requests the olive oil conditioner because her hair was so awesome afterward! The oil (and that in the mayo) suffocates the little bugs and they finally die.
ReplyDeletelove this blog!
lice is a bitch and a half. i remember being 5 years old, sitting on the floor watching I Love Lucy at 4 AM with my mother yelling at me to never put on another kid's hat or she was gonna shave my head. haha.
ReplyDeleteat this point if i ever got lice again, i'd just shave my head. so much easier than dealing with all that other crap. ;]
This reminded me of how, in elementary school, they would do those regular lice checks...and the next days, someone would always be conspicuosly missing.
ReplyDeleteI always felt bad for that person, because everyone knew of their infestation.
Now I feel even worse knowing they may have had to wear condiments on their heads!
vokda also helps with your dandruff