Despite their obvious wisdom and intelligence, the witty women running Indie Blogger have entrusted me to mediate their soon-to-be wildly famous WEEKLY CHALLENGE. I have to give them a picture and a bio and this is my FOURTH attempt. The picture is from one of those days when me and the boy were taking self-portraits of ourselves violently shaking our heads with our toungues hanging out because we're obviously GENIUSES. Enjoy.
Christopher "G" Garlington, 43, Chicago.
Author of the universally acclaimed blog, Death By Children, numerous letters to the editor regarding the incomparable stupidity of American politics, the Bonoprah affair, and the Important Relationship between Opera and Monster Truck Rallies, Mr. Garlington is an unrepentant and relentless smartass of the highest caliber.
Born in Birmingham, AL., to a union plumber and a one of those gorgeous farmer daughter types, Mr. Garlington was raised in the wilds of backwater Florida on a steady diet of country music, hands in the air snake handlin' Jesus freakism, corn festival pig-outs, open pit gun range all night barbecues, and bass fishing.
Mr. Garlington is old enough to have witnessed the public antics of actual hippies . . .
You know what, read the rest of the bio by visiting Weekly Challenge.
Swear to god, I read that as "fish bashing"...
ReplyDeleteCrazy Floridians.