Wednesday, October 31, 2012

13 Things About Ten Year Old Boys that Suck

  1. Punch Buggy.
  2. Jackass (should've never let him watch that).
  3. Excellent Vocabulary + Impromptu Parody Songs = Long Talks about Boundaries.
  4. Still young enough to hop into my lap without thinking about it even though he's 4'11".
  5. Family Guy references ad infinitum.
  6. "Look at this," preceding anything.
  7. Fart fights.
  8. Punch Buggy.
  9. Won't. Shut. Up.
  10. Ever.
  11. Thinks "Dude" is the new "Sir."
  12. Can, and will, check everything I tell him on Google.
  13. Punch buggy.


  1. what is punch buggy? :eek:

    my son is 4. he thinks farts are hilarious. his favorite phrase is, if you don't do this, then you aren't coming to my birthday party.

    innocent times.

  2. my son is 8 1/2 months old and thinks sneezes are comic gold- sounds like he's right on track to loving farts and jackass

  3. Half-Past Kissin' TimeJanuary 17, 2008 at 1:11 AM

    Chris, Chris, Chris....I can't even read this post until I suggest that you change the title to:
    13 Things That Suck About 10-Year Old Boys

    Are you feelin' me here? I know I'm not a pervert, but I'm sure there are plenty out there, and that title scares me!! I swear, I do not have a dirty mind; chalk it up to the fact that I teach middle school boys with dirty minds. Just a suggestion :)

  4. Half-Past Kissin' TimeJanuary 17, 2008 at 1:17 AM

    Okay, on to the content! I totally identify with this stuff, except for the Punch Buggy thing (which I had to research; sound FUN!). I really, really love the sense of humor that comes with boys; we are belly-laughing on a regular basis around here, and the sound of The Boy laughing as he watches The Family Guy (with headphones on) is heartwarming.

    Don't worry; my 15-year old son is almost 6 feet tall now and still snuggles with his dad in the giant Lazy-Boy chair quite often.

    Loved this post.

  5. Sarah, Goon Squad SarahJanuary 19, 2008 at 5:27 AM

    Maybe I shouldn't admit this but when my husband and I were on our honeymoon our ship stopped in Cozumel and there are about a bazillion old VW Bugs on that island.

    We were so drunk and we punched each other so much we both had bruises on our arms the next day.

  6. You just described my 7 year old boy and 10 year old daughter. What's with that?

  7. hate punch buggy. hate it.
