Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I am writer. Me spell gud. Look:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

13 Things you don't want to hear while teaching your kid how to drive.

  1. I learned this in BurnOut 4 . . .

  2. I learned this in Grand Theft Auto . . .

  3. I saw this in the Fast ad the Furious . . .

  4. I learned this from mom . . .

  5. What does this do?

  6. &^%$#@!

  7. I filled up with Diesel cause it's good for the environment.

  8. I learned this from Wile E. Coyote . . .

  9. How soon can I drift?

  10. How many points for a dentist?

  11. God, I'm so sleepy . . .

  12. I could fit like seven girls in this car.

  13. I could fit like seven boys in this car.