Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mefistopholes' Parenting Manifesto

Rebel Dad asked people to give him their parenting manifestos, 500 words or less. Here's mine:

Instead of a manifesto, here’s a list of “I WILL NOT” promises based on my own experience. Hope this works.

  1. I will not insert Bigfoot or flying saucers into my readings from the bible just to make it “more interesting.”
  2. I will not teach my son that mooning is considered a polite greeting in Papua New Guinea.
  3. I will not teach my son that burping aloud is OK when you turn it into a word.
  4. I will not consistently offer that the sound of my own fart was actually that of a rare “barking spider.”
  5. I will not fart on my son.
  6. I will not teach my son the ancient rubric “Why fart and waste it, when you can burp and taste it.”
  7. Apparently it is NOT OK for him to have a Mohawk when he attends a private upscale catholic school.
  8. Peanut butter and Hershey’s Chocolate Milk mix is not an acceptable substitute for a healthy sandwich.
  9. I will not teach my son to forgive the fat bully kid on his basketball team for being such a dickwad by patting him on the shoulder and saying “It’s OK, being adopted must be hard.”
  10. I will not laugh uncontrollably when my son shoots himself in the finger, point blank, with the compressed air nerf-pellet gun I told him he couldn’t play with.
  11. I will not tell the story about how he thought he’d lost his balls. Anymore.
  12. I will not convince my son, over the period of one year, through subtle ‘slips’ and through stories of his ‘difficult capture and hair removal surgery’ that he’d started life as a monkey.
  13. Or a girl.
  14. I will not wait until we are deep into a forest trail to talk about how people who get pythons from pet stores secretly release them into the forest preserves when they get too big.
  15. There is no such thing as being able to kill someone with a single touch.
  16. You’re best friend is NOT a ninja ‘in hiding’.
  17. You are NOT ‘every once in a while’ possessed by the devil.
  18. The TV remote will NOT work on the neighbor’s set ‘if you try hard.’


  1. funny post considering my own blog is based on me bring a ninja

  2. Kevin;

    Please find the Manga titled Mail Order Ninja. A god friend of mine wrote it and it's really good.

  3. Ok.

    a) I forgot to say thanks for the post.

    b) he's a good friend not a GOD friend.

  4. What a GREAT blog !! :D

    I just 'discovered' it the other day and it's hilarious !!

    Having raised 2 daughters .. one still at home .. the oldest gettin' her just desserts raising 4 of her own now LOLOL .. *cough* .. reading this is ALL the more funny .. 'cuz I can SO relate. :D

    Best of luck with this ..

    Cierdwyn :)

  5. OMG. This is some funny shit. I love your blog!!

    I really like the pic of your daughter's arm. So much like my older son. My old blog featured some of his arm art. When changing the younger one's sheets last week, I discovered that he had used his sheets to play a nice big game of tic tac toe with himself. Gotta love them.

    In our house, farts are called frogs. I have no idea why.

  6. LOL! I loved the "its ok, it must be hard being adopted" You should make a list of things like that!

  7. Try PB & Nutella - my husband claims that Nutella has nutritional value and our kids back him up on that 100%.

    Great blog!

  8. Man, these rules take all the fun out of childhood! Though it will probably save Mom quite a few gray hairs.

  9. You and Neal Pollack should get together for teh buttseks.

  10. You forgot- I will not kiss my child in front of middle school. And for moms- I will not go to high school PTA while pregnant!

    My 6 kids are 31 down to 11, and unfortunately, I think I have violated all of your rules!
    Deborah Dowd

  11. Christopher, I love this. I stopped by via your sign-up for Indie Bloggers and I have to say (write?), I am already so glad to have you. I'm adding you to my personal blogroll, as well, because, frankly, you rock. And, may I humbly request that you post this to IB? I would love to have it and feel honored and all that crap. ;)

  12. Just started reading your blog a few days back. It is HILARIOUS. You're quite talented. Keep it up... I need ideas to torture my nephew :)
