Friday, May 22, 2009

13 Things I found randomly on the Internet

  1. This peanut looks like a duck.
  2. Turkey vultures virtually vibrate vivacity and vim .
  3. Which 70s album cover do you most resemble?
  4. Random. I'm talking random here, people.
  5. How life ought to be all the time.
  6. I am a zombie filled with love.
  7. Why do Brits always play villains when their commercials are sooooo good?
  8. This would be a plopsicle.
  9. Great music video!
  10. Paranormal writing test.
  11. This lady's baby is so stoned.
  12. Will Smith plays the Cramer of Superheroes this summer.
  13. Second Best Blog on the Internet.


  1. That is just a whole lot of awesometastical randoms. Thanks muchly :)

    The zombie began to hurt my thinking stump after a while though.

  2. OH dear GOD, that "stoned baby" will haunt my dreams. What the EFFFFF?
