Friday, May 22, 2009

En Domini Sanctus, por Roonicus' Butticus. Amen.

I'm sitting on the back porch with Connor while he's doing his homework and I notice that he's singing to himself. Connor has a really sweet, boy's voice and he rarely sings nicely. But today, I swear he's singing in Latin and it's beautiful.

Beaming and thinking I'm in one of those Hallmark moments, I quietly ask him what it is he's singing. He looks at me like I'm deranged and says "The Go Go Diego Theme Song".



  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! I am ROFL!! We have 3 boys so I can relate.

    Anyway, you might be interested in our site, TattleDate: where bad dates become good stories. Please disregard if you like, but as you can see from our profile, TattleDate is just me and a friend trying to see if we can get hits on our site. Let us know if you think it's got potential and/or if you have any ideas for improvement.

    Thanks! I will be visiting again for more great laughs!

  2. I can not stand that show. Not the dora one either. backyardigans I like.
    I swear I am not a racist. Not unless you can be a bigot of shows that have annoying main character voices that repeat shit far too often.
    Anyhow he was singing sweetly. Thats what counts. My son is tone deaf in both ears. My daughter is incredibly musical. Strange how that happens.

    I have spent the last while now reading over your old posts. I want to take a moment (bow) you are brilliant. I doubt that you somehow are unaware of that.
    I am not usually a fountain of flattery, but I must acknowledge in hopes that doing so undoes this sudden notion that my writing is not the quality I would like to believe it is.
    much respect~d

  3. Kitterman;

    I hate all kids' shows--especially that babytime show where it's just a baby giggling. It freaks me out. My son is tn and he'll switch it to that show just to watch me get mad.

    Thank you for the genuflection.

  4. you're quite welcome.

  5. My son only recently started singing. fun times.

    I like spongebob and el tigre just makes me laugh. its not even funny.

  6. I acutually like Spongebob. I even watch once in a while when the kid isn't home.

  7. ROFL!
    I myself have been known to sing and hum this annoyingly catchy song!

  8. My husband put that STUPID WonderPets song as his RINGTONE in an effort to drive me completely out of my mind... please save me; my husband is trying to kill me.
