Friday, May 22, 2009

Fabulous Girls Underwear Bankruptcy Background Check Keyless-Indexing Title Plant Software Solution

Dear Google;

Yet again I am conflicted with your integrated, text-relevant advertisement.

Specifically, I am wondering which part of my post, "Sperm Wail," which, if anything, was not about girls underwear, (I pray), but which was about my mediocre day being topped off by my son's first public utterance of my least favorite word, caused your massive and unimpeachably taciturn algorithmic dispersement department to think that a post entitled "Sperm Wail" would appeal to:

  1. People shopping for girls' underwear;
  2. Fabulous girls shopping for underwear;
  3. People shopping for the undergarments of/for girls who are fabulous;
  4. People shopping for girls' underwear that is, to be frank, fabulous?
I'm somewhat disturbed by this alignment of and ad targeted to one of the above but I'm resigned to be amused by the irony and sheer blind democratic multitaskology Google employs to target ads to cheerleaders, cheerleaders' parents, and porn freaks simultaneously. It's a free country.

And I'm not so offended by the ads targeting bankruptcy as I'm finding that people with the time to read blogs usually can't afford to buy any of the stuff advertised on them and the bankruptcy ads are a clever way to reach a specious niche market--kudos, Google.

However, if anything, this blog does not speak to the technically savvy, code geeks, or people who would be hunting for a Keyless-Indexing Title Plant Software Solution on a blog that chiefly attracts people Googling for bras, puke, or boobs much less someone who could confidently call for a Keyless-Indexing Title Plant Software Solution in front of other adults without them spitting their lattes through their collective noses prior to exclaiming "Dude!" with alacrity and feeling then promptly Googling the phrase Keyless-Indexing Title Plant Software Solution whereupon, I seriously doubt, they would end up here.

And what exactly is a Keyless-Indexing Title Plant Software Solution any way? Is it some kind of plug-in that finds bankrupt porn freaks looking to sell fabulous girls underwear on Ebay?

Or is Keyless-Indexing Title Plant Software Solution just an indication that your Keyless-Indexing Title Plant Software Solution-esque test-relevant advertising doesn't work for beans and is about as relevant as dice to diddlybops.

Or am I doing something wrong? Am I writing to loftily for Google? Should I dumb down? Google? Should I? Are you listening? Or is this post going to sidle up next to an EBay bid for a program that indexes girls underwear fabulously?

1 comment:

  1. Why not experiment? Write a post that includes all the random things you can think of and see what they come up with! My Google ads are always the same. Beads and breasts. Hmmm. Maybe that's MY niche?
